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Spring Registration Opens February 14th!

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PreCanSkate (New To Skating)


This class is designed for skaters who have never taken skating lessons. PreCanSkate is a prerequisite for the rest of our classes. This class starts with a warmup off the ice to go over fundamentals and then skaters head to the ice to practice basic skating skills. Maximum age 12. We are lucky to have a PA (Program Assistant) in each class and they’re for the betterment of the class as a whole. They will not be assigned to one skater specifically. 

Hockey or figure skates, a CSA-certified hockey helmet, long sleeves and pants, and gloves are required. 


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Must have passed PreCanSkate to register for this class. Classes are grouped by skill level/ability. Maximum Age 12.

Hockey or figure skates, a CSA-certified hockey helmet, long sleeves and pants, and gloves are required. 


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Teen/Adult Skating Lessons


Learn to skate with family and friends! This class is held on FRIDAY evenings from 7:00-7:45 PM. Teens & Adults can learn the basics of skating like balancing, pushing, gliding, stopping, forwards, and backwards in a fun,  judgement-free environment! No experience is necessary. Designed for active teens/adults.


CSA-certified hockey helmets are required to participate.


On Hold Indefinitely


Star 1+ Group

(Previously Beginner Figure Skating)

Must have passed Stage 1 in CanSkate to register for this class. Star 1+ is a group class designed for skaters wanting to learn to figure skate. We teach figure skating fundamentals in a group format. Classes on SUNDAY & MONDAY.


Visit Our Figure Skating Page - Click Here!



$61.65 Annual Skate Canada Membership required (renewed in September each year) Subscription added at checkout.